courtesy of
OnlyOnePLanet Australia
Australian environment and community NGOs:
Alliance for a Clean Environment
Animal Liberation (Australia)
Australian Conservation Foundation. (peak national environmental NGO).
Australian Gene Ethics Network
Australian Bush Heritage Trust - now Bush Heritage Australia
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Australia Zoo (founded by Steve and Terri Irwin) Wildlife Warriors Worldwide
Birds Australia
Blue Mountains Conservation Society
Centre for Sustainable Living (WA, Denmark)
Colong Wilderness Foundation
Ecological Society of Australia
Environmental Law Publishing (by Chris McGrath)
Environment Tasmania - Tasmania's Conservation Council
Friends of the Earth (Australia)
Future Tasmania
to promote the development, communication and uptake of innovations and initiatives that create a healthy community, economy and environment within Tasmania.
Green Innovations
(a site focussing on green economics and related issues)
Humane Society International (Australia)
New Internationalist Magazine guide
Climate change

National Toxics Network
Our community (linking community resources)
Pollution Information Tasmania @ SourceWatch
STAND - Standing up for Local Wildlife & Forests (NSW Australia)
Voiceless (animal rights)
Water pollution in Tasmania @ SourceWatch
Wildlife Protection Association of Australia
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Australia.
Other Australian environment sites:
Australian Government Environmental Information Portal.
Australian Government on Water Quality "....Australia is currently facing critical water supply and water quality problems. These problems are expected to become worse over the coming decades due to drought, pollution, over-extraction and climate change. Managing water quality requires a catchment-based approach as land uses have a major effect on the quality of water resources....."
Environmental Defenders Office website
Aggregated environmental information (strongly water-related).
Australian National Ecological Meta Database
Chemical Spraying Australia Problems with chemical spraying in Australia & Government inaction
NRM Toolbar (Australian NRM databases and organisations)
Tarkine - Australia's Largest Temperate Rainforest
News and current affairs:
Tasmanian Times
International UN / environment / human rights / NGOs and consultancies:
Excellent fact sheets on burning... and how polluting burning wood can be.... factsheet-biomass.pdf |
trashincineration.pdf | woodybiomass.pdf from Energy Justice
Affluence and over-consumption: Ted Trainer
Auditing: Environmental Auditing

Australian whistle-blowers:
Lance Collins
(Australian Army - exposed corruption within the Army's intelligence organisation); Simon Illingsworth (Victorian Police - exposed corruption within the police drug squad, and, by implication, weakness and poor management at senior management levels within the larger organisation); Peter Cahan (Australian Navy - exposed corruption after the Voyager disaster).

Alliance for zero extinction

Secrets Of Cooperation Between Trees And Fungi Revealed

Convention on Biological Diversity:
Home website
| Country reports
Jane Goodall's Roots and ShootsCenter for Environment, Health and Justice (pollution, toxics; USA)

Child care:
The natural child project

Climate change:
Forests: The Devastating Ecological and Social Impacts of Monoculture Tree Plantations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(scientific commentary)
International Research Institute for Climate Prediction

Indian Ocean Climate Initiative
European Science Foundation discussion site
Greenhouse Gas Online (popular, but science-based)
Conversation with James Lovelock
British Govt Climate Change website

Conservation International (biodiversity hotspots)
Corporate Watch Corporate behaviour

David Suzuki Foundation (Canadian NGO focussing on global environment issues)
Envirolink / Net for change (links to many other environmental sites)
European Commission Environment
European Union Law

Center for the Study of World Religions

Religion and nature
Online Ethics
Ecology and Christianity - Sean McDonagh (Columban Fathers). 

International Wildlife Film...
; Filmmakers for Conservation
Friends of the Earth (greenhouse, pollution control etc)
Global Response (promotes environmental and social change through letter writing)
Genetics / GM foods: 
UK info

UK Genetics Forum
UK gm shoppers' guide
Greenpeace (greenhouse, pollution control, marine animals, biotechnology)

Health and the environment:
Alternative cancer info
British Holistic Medicine Association
Health Report Australian Broadcasting Commission
Wisconsin Medical College (provide free health e-newsletter).
Healthy babies: march of dimes

Human rights: 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN)

American Friends
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch    
Service Committee
Chika Honda
(wrongfully imprisoned in Australia). 
International Criminal Court

International Alert
Anti-slavery International
Chagos Islanders illegally expelled by Britain and the USA
John Pilger
Susan George
Robert Fisk  human rights investigations.
International law? see "Crimes against humanity" by Geoffrey Robertson (Penguin 1999). 
George Monbiot

Institute for Policy Studies (democracy and social justice issues; USA).
International Forum on Globalization. (corporate watch, trade policies...)
International Institute for Sustainable Development (corporate and UN sponsored)The Middle East: Robert Fisk - journalism with integrity
Millennium Assessment Report (World Resource Institute)
One World  (sustainable development, human rights)

Pesticide Action Network
US EPA on endocrine disruptors

Waste Management UK The green house provides businesses with tailored waste management programs.
Population Action
(focussing on populaiton / environment links)
Population: ZPG
Population Institute 
Sustainable Albemarle Population

The Ecologist (international journal: global environment and development issues).
The Sierra Club (biotechnology, toxic waste, pesticides, forest, endangered species)
Third World Network (environment and development issues, first world - third world exploitation)
PR Watch (Center for Media and Democracy, USA)
Rainforest Action Network (global rainforests)

Resilience Alliance

Resilience Science
Sante Fe Institute Rocky Mountains Institute (USA) Amory Lovins.Spirit Bear Youth Coalition Canadian NGO
Stockholm Environment Institute
See their Water Evaluation and Planning software
SustainAbility: a UK consultancy promoting sustainable business programs. 
Transnational Resource and Action Center (corporate watch, USA).
Union of Concerned Scientists (USA)

United Nations:
UN Home

Economic and Social Development Info
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005. 
World Heritage Convention
(the UNESCO site)
World Resources Institute (forests, biodiversity, climate change, sustainable agriculture etc)
World Watch Institute (environmental research and monitoring)