Forestry Tasmania
Does the forest industry even start to care about the grossly pauperised landscape it is
 bequeathing our/their children and grandchildren, do they think future generations
 won’t mind that we are exploiting and destroying resources their economies will
 need and in doing so, pollute and destroy the future capacity of the earth.
 The relative stability of natural landscapes is as a consequence of the complexity
and diversity of species which exist competitively and co-operatively, whereas
the order of the industrialised, scientifically modified and simplified landscapes, is
 instability and unsustainable.
This industry is ecologically illiterate to the consequences of they’re actions,
 they have no concept of what it is they are destroying.
“The Science of Forestry”
Coupe TN021B Newbury Road, National Park Tasmania



Celery Top Pine, a renown boat building
timber, heaped up ready to burn

Replica “Norfolk” was framed and
decked with Celery Top Pine
Celery Top Pine, like Huon Pine is a very slow growing timber
needing at least 250 years to grow to a size where a reasonable
sawlog and high recovery rate can be achieved.

Valuably Deep Red Myrtle, Split, Smashed-up
and ready to be burned.

Valuable Birds Eye Myrtle logs mutilated
and ready to be burned.
Even in their trashed state, there are still thousands of dollars worth
of finished furniture/craft products in what is left of these logs.
Thousands of dollars worth of Myrtle, Sassafras, and Celery Top Pine logs together with
Eucalypt logs suitable for firewood heaped up and left all over this coupe to be burned.
Myrtle and Sassafras need to be around 150 years old before they are
of sufficient size and quality to make reasonable sawlogs.
Selectively logged there would have been a very valuable resource available for future generations.
Given present forest management practices:-
Wherever the continued clearfelling/hot burning of native forests
and short rotation regrowth takes place, we will never see many
of these species again.

So few have pauperised so much for so little in such a transitory period of time.

“They’ve got it wrong. A capitalist economy based on constant, unlimited
growth is a reckless fantasy because ecosystems are not limitless --
there are just so many pollinators, so many aquifers, so much fertile soil.
In nature, unchecked rapid growth is the ideology of the invasive species and the cancer cell. Growth as an end in itself is ultimately self-destructive.”
Chip Ward

The sterility of mono-culture eucalypts in the fore and middle ground suitable only for low value woodchips destroy all those things described before that the Native forest in the background provide.
In addition there are highly toxic chemicals and 1080 used in the establishment of plantations,
“Chemical Page”
Plantations and mono-culture eucalypt regrowth dry the landscape
out, they are highly volatile and a fire-storm waiting to happen.

The relative stability of a rich diversity.

The instability of a simplified mono-culture
fire prone landscape.
The “Science of steep slope logging” is an
unconscionable criminal abuse of the earth.

Heavy soil loss from clearfelled coupes.

The lament for a dying Tamar courtesy of
the “science” of clearfelling steep slopes.
“Catchment Stability”

The flattened coupe in the foreground together with the “Old Growth”
in the background was selectively logged for over 100 years.
The Selectively Logged “Old Growth” in the background
fulfills all the vital services of forests i.e.
the diversity of a broad range of species and ages.
the hydrology of the land and catchment stability.
the relative stability in rivers and streams.
the relative stability of micro-climate and rainfall patterns.
carbon stability.
habitat for all species of plants and animals which exist both competitively and co-operatively in the natural world.
an indefinite resource of all species if managed to facilitate all of the above by:-
Respecting the resource.
By living off the interest without mining the capital.
By single stem extraction of logs of each species only at maturity. (In New Guinea in tribal areas they are extracting one stem per Ha every 25 years.)
By using high recovery sawmills.
By value adding locally right through to retail.
Natural Capital is Not Income